py-ZopeInterface | | The zope.interface package used in Zope 3 and Twisted |
py-ZopeSchema | | Zope Interface extension for defining data schemas |
py-ZopeTestrunner | | Zope testrunner script |
pycharm-bin | | JetBrain\'s python IDE |
python-mode | | Emacs mode for editing python files |
pythontidy | | Cleans up, regularizes, and reformats the text of Python scripts |
qbzr | | GUI front end for Bazaar |
qconf | | Configure script generator for qmake |
qjson | | Qt library for handling JSON data |
qof | | Query Object Framework |
qore-uuid-module | | UUID module for Qore |
qtscriptgenerator | | Tool that generates Qt bindings for Qt Script |
quilt | | Tools to manage series of patches |
R-assertthat | | Easy pre and post assertions |
R-BH | | Boost C++ Header Files |
R-bindr | | Parametrized Active Bindings |
R-bit | | Class for vectors of 1-bit booleans |
R-bit64 | | S3 class for vectors of 64-bit integers |
R-blob | | Simple S3 Class for Representing Vectors of Binary Data ('BLOBS') |
R-cli | | Helpers for developing command line interfaces |
R-crayon | | Colored terminal output |
R-evaluate | | Parsing and evaluation tools |
R-glue | | Interpreted String Literals |
R-inline | | Functions to Inline C, C++, Fortran Function Calls from R |
R-IRdisplay | | Jupyter display machinery |
R-IRkernel | | R kernel for Jupyter Notebook |
R-iterators | | Provides Iterator Construct for R |
R-lazyeval | | Lazy (non-standard) evaluation |
R-magrittr | | Forward-Pipe Operator for R |
R-memoise | | Memoisation of Functions |
R-pkgconfig | | Private Configuration for 'R' Packages |
R-plogr | | The 'plog' C++ Logging Library |
R-proto | | Prototype object-based programming |
R-R6 | | Classes with reference semantics |
R-Rcpp | | Seamless R and C++ Integration |
R-repr | | Serializable representations |
R-rlang | | Functions for base types, core R and Tidyverse features |
R-uuid | | Tools for generating and handling of UUIDs |
radamsa | | General-purpose fuzzer |
radare2 | | Reverse engineering framework |
radare2-cutter | | Qt and C++ GUI for radare2 reverse engineering framework |
ragel | | State machine compiler |
rainbow-delimiters-el | | Emacs mode for colorful parentheses highlighting |
rapidsvn | | Cross-platform Subversion GUI |
ratfor | | Preprocessor for the Ratfor dialect of Fortran |
RBTools | | Tool to submit patches to a Review Board |
rcs | | GNU Revision Control System - version control software |
rdp | | Compiles attributed LL(1) grammars into recursive descent compilers |
re2 | | Regular expression library |
re2c | | Deterministic Finite State Automaton generator |
readline | | GNU library that can recall and edit previous input |
rebar | | Rebar is an Erlang build tool |
rebar3 | | Erlang build tool |
refinecvs | | Convert CVS repository to SVN dump |
Renaissance | | Structured GNUstep user interface development framework |
reposurgeon | | Tool for editing version-control repository history |
rgbds | | Assembler/linker package for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color |
ropper | | Display information about executables and search for gadgets |
roundup | | Issue tracking system with command-line, web and email clients |
rox-lib | | Shared code for ROX applications |
rpc2 | | CMU (Coda) remote procedure call package |
rscode | | Reed Solomon error correction code library |
rsltc | | RAISE Specification Language Type Checker |
rt-mysql | | Industrial-grade ticketing system |
rt-pgsql | | Industrial-grade ticketing system |
rt3 | | Industrial-grade ticketing system |
rt4 | | Industrial-grade ticketing system |
RTFM | | Enterprise-grade knowledge management tool |
RTx-RightsMatrix | | Utility to efficiently manage rights to a RT installation |
rubigen | | Ruby stub generator |
ruby-abstract | | Abstract methods for Ruby |
ruby-actionmailer42 (V) | | Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 4.2) |
ruby-actionmailer51 (V) | | Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 5.1) |
ruby-actionmailer52 (V) | | Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 5.2) |
ruby-activejob42 | | Job classes that can be run by a variety of queueing backends |
ruby-activejob51 | | Job classes that can be run by a variety of queueing backends |
ruby-activejob52 | | Job classes that can be run by a variety of queueing backends |
ruby-activemodel42 | | Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 4.2) |
ruby-activemodel51 | | Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 5.1) |
ruby-activemodel52 | | Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 5.2) |
ruby-activestorage52 | | Local and cloud file storage framework (part of Rails 5.2) |
ruby-activesupport42 | | Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 4.2) |
ruby-activesupport51 | | Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 5.1) |
ruby-activesupport52 | | Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 5.2) |
ruby-algorithms | | Useful algorithms and data structures for Ruby |
ruby-amstd | | Collection of miscellaneous Ruby modules |
ruby-assistance | | Lightweight replacement for ActiveSupport |
ruby-backports | | Backports of Ruby features for older ruby |
ruby-bindata | | Declarative way to read and write structured binary data |
ruby-bit-struct | | Library for packed binary data stored in ruby Strings |
ruby-blankslate | | Provides Blank Slate base class |
ruby-bsearch | | Binary search library for Ruby |
ruby-byaccr | | Parser generator for ruby based on 'Berkeley Yacc/Yacc for Java' |
ruby-byebug | | Ruby 2.0 fast debugger - base + CLI |
ruby-c21e | | CrossPlatformExecutable library for Ruby |
ruby-capybara (V) | | Integration testing tool for rack based web applications |
ruby-celluloid | | Actor-based concurrent object framework for Ruby |
ruby-celluloid-essentials | | Superstructural dependencies of Celluloid |
ruby-celluloid-extras | | Celluloid expansion, testing, and example classes |
ruby-celluloid-fsm | | Celluloid Finite State Machines |